Project Gorlok Dedication: Statue to be unveiled Aug. 1
June 30, 2016

After a year of successful fundraising efforts by the Student Government Association and through the generosity of 75 donors who gave $13,546.12, the Gorlok statue is a reality!
Join us on Monday, Aug. 1, at 4 p.m. for the unveiling celebration. The statue will be placed in the plaza between the Emerson Library and Sverdrup Complex. This plaza currently holds engraved bricks that honor student donors from past student fundraising initiatives.
One of the incredible Project Gorlok donors who helped make this fun new emblem of Webster student pride possible is Alexandria McCuien, BA ’10, MBA ’15. McCuien became an honored Daniel Webster Society member with her gift to Project Gorlok.
“While at Webster my most memorable moments were the times I spent with my peers in the organizations I was in, especially student ambassadors," said McCuien. "Being in this group, I was able to touch so many lives and interact with donors to let them know how appreciative we were for their investments in our education and to hear more about their story.
"Since I started my Webster journey, I’ve been blessed to have a scholarship each year with has truly been an encouragement to know that someone else supports me in my endeavors. There is no journey that is better than a Webster journey; everyone should have a story--Webster is what connects us all!”