Jeanelle Wiley Named Assistant Chancellor, Secretary of the University and Senior Privacy Director

Jeanelle Wiley Named Assistant Chancellor, Secretary of the University and Senior Privacy Director

Jeanelle Wiley has been named Assistant Chancellor, Secretary of the University and Senior Privacy Director.

Just as the title of chancellor better matches Dr. Stroble's current role of leading strategy development in partnership with the Board of Trustees and engagement of external audiences to grow the University's reputation and endowment, Jeanelle Wiley's role in supporting the Chancellor and the Board has grown in its demands. Her new title reflects her role at the University as a direct report to the chancellor and as an officer of the Board of Trustees.

As a Board professional, Wiley has responsibility of executive support to the Board Chair, Trustees, Chancellor and President, working on a variety of initiatives related to the strategic progress of the University. Wiley has served as Secretary of the University since 2013.

Wiley also serves as the University's liaison to external counsel for all legal issues institutionally and collaborates with University departments to implement regulations and policies, including those required in her role as the senior privacy director.

In recent years, she has assumed responsibility for leadership and compliance on privacy and security matters for Webster University system-wide.The role of Senior Privacy Director, which reports directly to the president, includes guiding, advising and recommending privacy and security policies and procedures, providing proactive direction and supporting privacy and security by design principles, preparation and adoption training to comply with the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as well as other implemented state privacy laws.

Wiley holds a master’s degree in international relations from Webster University and a bachelor’s degree in French and international management from Central College in Pella, Iowa. She has certification in Business and Economics from Institut Catholique in Paris. She began her career as a high school teacher and went on to receive teacher certification in French from Washington University. She also received certification in paralegal studies from Boston University and has more than 16 years of legal experience working with St. Louis area law firms.

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