Webster Student’s Artwork Selected for International Exhibition

Webster Student’s Artwork Selected for International Exhibition
Department of Art, Design, and Art History (DADAH) student and graphic design major Michael Doherty has been chosen to be one of the 40 artists featured in the Megalo Print Studio’s Screen on Paper Online Exhibition.

ST. LOUIS - Department of Art, Design, and Art History (DADAH) student and graphic design major Michael Doherty has been chosen to be one of the 40 artists featured in the Megalo Print Studio’s Screen on Paper Online Exhibition. The exhibition displays pieces from a selection of screen-printing artists around the world.

Doherty said that he heard about the exhibition through fellow DADAH student Amy Travis. “This is the first time that my art has been shown in an exhibition. I was pretty shocked when I read that I was selected. It feels great to have my work recognized.”

“Hundreds of international artists made submissions but only 40 finalists were selected to have their work displayed in the exhibition,” Doherty continued. “I feel honored to share an online space with such a talented group of international artists.”

Doherty said that there are no rewards or prizes given to the artists for having their artwork selected to be featured in the exhibition, but he’s okay with that. “I was one of seven United States citizens to have their work selected. When I consider this information, I feel that being selected was the reward itself.”

Doherty said that his piece, 031420, was named for the date on which he printed it. “I screen printed an edition of 10 in the DADAH printmaking studio over spring break.”

But while the name of the artwork is straightforward, its meaning is not. “The personal meaning I have assigned for this piece changes almost every time I see it. I created the image for 031420 during a time where I was thinking a lot about my own mortality. When I see it today, I am reminded more of the world we are living in; however, while I am the creator of the work, I would never limit the meaning to just my interpretations.”

Doherty's work 031420 which was one of 40 accepted into an international art exhibitDoherty said that his inspirations and support came from both inside and outside of Webster. “I am a BFA student majoring in Graphic Design, but I am a printmaker at heart. I have learned everything I know about printmaking from my Professors Tom Lang and Tate Foley. None of my work would be possible without them or the support from my friends in DADAH,” he said. “Outside of my Professors and friends at Webster, my printmaking heroes include Andy Warhol, M.C. Escher, Justin Helton, Zeb Love, and AJ Masthay.”

For fellow students who dream of getting their artwork out there someday, Doherty has this advice, “Build a strong portfolio and document all of your work. Don’t be afraid to share your work and respect it. Keep working.”

Doherty’s screen print is available for viewing on the exhibition’s website. The exhibition is through July 25th.

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