BYOBreakfast Faculty and Staff Global Recognition May 15

BYOBreakfastDepartment leaders will schedule team with their direct reports. Join your team’s breakfast meeting and share photos on social media using #websterbyob


As a celebration for the end of the academic year, unit leaders at all Webster University campuses will host separate virtual team breakfast meetings on Friday, May 15 (or other date they determine), to celebrate the accomplishments, service anniversaries and retirements of global faculty and staff. Recognition will be given to all employees reaching milestone work anniversaries of five, ten, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, or 45 and even 50 years in calendar year 2020. Other faculty and staff honorees for the 2019-2020 academic year will also be recognized. At the end of the recognition meeting, employees will be given the remainder of the day off!

On the Webster Groves campus, a breakfast program is traditionally held in Grant Gymnasium the Tuesday following commencement, but this year’s change to remote operations is a chance for us to celebrate globally, together on one day  with employees from all campuses worldwide.  Likewise, this is typically where the Staff Member of the Year is announced, but this process is on hold right now and will be assessed upon return from Modified Operations.

Team Leaders to Host BYOBreakfast Virtual Meetings

The BYOBreakfast Faculty & Staff Global Recognition meeting is a way to celebrate our Webster colleagues and friends, despite the shelter-in-place circumstances. Department leaders will be in touch with direct reports to schedule the 9 a.m. meetings. Other time considerations may need to be made for time zones, work projects, etc. Members of the Chancellor’s and President’s Councils may also join various meetings as a part of your unit’s celebration.


Join your team’s breakfast meeting and share photos on social media using #websterbyob. Show us how your team celebrates theclose of an academic year, recognizes employee accomplishments and service anniversaries. Maybe even just show us what's for breakfast!

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