Student Pledge: Keep Webster Well by Following COVID-19 Protocol

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To support the safety and health of our community, it is essential that all Webster University community members review and adhere to COVID-19 protocols. As with faculty and staff, Webster expects all students to sign a pledge that affirms their commitment to following these protocols. A link to the student pledge can be found here ( and when logging into Connections and WorldClassroom.

Tips to keep in mind for covid safety 

Students are also reminded to follow all COVID-19 health and safety guidelines to help keep our community healthy. The guidelines, including the requirement for a Daily Health Screening, are outlined on Webster’s COVID-19 webpage here.

The health and safety guidelines include the following In-Class Expectations:

  • Everyone in a classroom will be required to wear a mask/face covering at all times;
  • Maintain social distance in classrooms, including with seating and while entering and exiting;
  • Food and drink will not be allowed in class;
  • Feeling sick? Do not go to class.
  • You will be asked to disinfect the items you used during class or labs before leaving the room.

Following these safety guidelines is a shared responsibility for every member of the Webster community. Thank you for doing your part!

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