Title IX Events and Resources for Sexual Assault Awareness Month
March 30, 2021
The Title IX office has created virtual and live events to bring awareness to the prevalence of sexual assault and intimate partner violence. These events were designed to educate participants and provide a safe space for discussion of these heavy topics. Attending events marked with an asterisk enters you into an Amazon gift drawing per event. Attend all events, and you will have multiple chances to win!
Trigger Warning: Some events may prompt recall of a previous traumatic experience. The presenters are trained educators in the emotional sensitivity of this type of trauma. You may leave and reenter the events at any time, as needed.
*SAAM Day of Action – Wear Teal Day, April 6
Teal represents the color of sexual assault prevention. Show your support for survivors of sexual assault and wear teal. Donate to Mary’s House of Hope Project and you will be entered into a $15 Amazon Gift drawing! Simply email a screenshot of your donation confirmation page to titleix@webster.edu, and we will contact you by April 30 with the drawing results. Also, share your social media pictures online and tag @WebsterU on Instagram, use #SAAMdayofaction or #SAAM2021.
Teal ribbons will be placed around campus as a reminder to support survivors and bring awareness to the prevention of sexual assault through bystander intervention, education, and safety planning. For more virtual events with participants from around the world visit the National Sexual Violence Resource Center.
*Safe Relationships Tuesday, April 6, 12 p.m. CDT
Attendees will be automatically entered into an Amazon gift drawing for up to $20! Register for this event here.
Presented by Jaszmine Parks from Safe Connections, this interactive talk will focus on:
- Understanding what intimate partner violence (IPV) means.
- Understanding what IPV might look like.
- Knowing ways to support a survivor of IPV.
Attendees are not required to have any knowledge beforehand but will walk away with increased knowledge of IPV as well as tips on how to address it in their own lives.
*Consent and Sexual Assault Prevention Tuesday, April 13, 12 p.m. CDT
Attendees will be automatically entered into an Amazon gift drawing for up to $20! Register for this event here.
This event is led by professionals from Planned Parenthood. Participants will learn about the difference between meaningful consent, rape vs. sexual assault, coercion, and incapacitation. The presenter will give opportunities to ask questions and interact, but you are welcome to just listen, too. Participants will also learn how to support survivors of sexual assault and how to identify consent.
*Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Education Tuesday, April 20, 12 p.m. CDT
Attendees will be automatically entered into an Amazon gift drawing for up to $20! Register for Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Education here.
This event is led by professionals from Planned Parenthood. Participants will come away from this event knowing more about the difference between sex, gender, and sexual orientation. This talk identifies common stereotypes, sexual orientation stereotypes, and identifies harmful ways that these stereotypes perpetuate discrimination and prejudice that impact LGBTQIA populations. The presenter will give opportunities to engage in dialogue and reflect, but you are welcome to come and just listen, too.
Yoga Friday, April 23, 12 p.m. CDT
Live event! Meet at the quad (grassy area mid-campus near the UC) with your mat, blanket, or towel. We will wrap up SAAM with a calming and empowering yoga session, including tools to reclaim and find safety in your own body, grounding techniques, breath awareness, and a calming yoga flow to restore power and control in your life through gentle movement. Email loriwatson@webster.edu to register for this event.
Only 10 can attend due to COVID-19 restrictions, the first 10 to register will reserve their spot at the event.
*Wear Denim to Step Forward Take a Stand Against Rape, April 28 (All Day)
Take the pledge to support survivors and take a stand against rape by wearing jeans and donating to Safe Connections. Send your donation confirmation screenshot to titleix@webster.edu to be entered into a $20 Amazon gift drawing!
“This event commemorates a ruling by the Italian Supreme Court where a rape conviction was overturned because the justices felt that since the victim was wearing tight jeans she must have helped the person who raped her remove her jeans, thereby implying consent” (www.denimdayinfo.org). Women protested in solidarity with the victim by wearing jeans. The campaign has been running for 22 years and is worldwide. Stand in solidarity with survivors and show your denim by tagging @WebsterU on Instagram, use #DenimDay.
Take Back the Night Virtual Event Friday, April 29, 7-8 p.m. CDT
Join survivors and allies around the world at this Take Back the Night virtual event where survivors and allies gather together to bring awareness to the prevalence of sexual assault. There will be original music, poetry readings, survivor stories, and special guest speakers. This event is an opportunity to end SAAM in solidarity with survivors and to recommit yourselves to making a difference in this important cause.
Resource: RAINN and National Sexual Assault Hotline
The COVID19 pandemic has forced us to stay home. For many, home is known as a safe-space with family, but for others home is the place where they experience violence, assault, and abuse.
RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE, online.rainn.org & rainn.org/es).
RAINN has partnered with more than 1,000 local sexual assault service providers across the country and operates the Safe Helpline for the Department of Defense. RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help survivors, and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice.
If you or or someone you know is experiencing sexual abuse or relationship violence RAINN is a 24/7 resource for you. There is help. You are not alone.