Lessons You'll Learn from Our Global Citizenship Program When Studying in Vienna
March 03, 2021
At Webster VIenna Private University, one of our chief goals as an institution is
to inspire students to become better global citizens. For undergraduate liberal arts
students, our Global Citizenship Program (GCP) is at the very heart of this personal
evolution. Designed to help students become more prepared for future challenges in
their personal and professional lives, this program also teaches them important life
skills to carry with them well after their time at our university.
Our global-centric approach to education is a component of life at Webster University Vienna that we hold dear. Here are some of the key lessons you can learn from participating in our Global Citizenship Program.
Gain a Better Understanding of the World Around You
When you study in Vienna at Webster and enter the Global Citizenship Program, you will learn how to become a responsible 21st-century world citizen. Intercultural competence is a very useful skill to have in modern society and is an important part of the program. Another component is learning how to better understand the physical and natural world.
More specifically, you will learn how to understand the behaviors, values, and social systems of different cultures, as well as where humans derive meaning from. You will also learn about forces in our world that bring us closer or further apart, as well as the functioning of social institutions. Furthermore, you will gain knowledge of artistic expression and the ways in which humans show it.
Learn Quantitative Literacy While Studying Abroad in Austria
Although applying one’s education to life experiences and to new or complex situations is another important learning outcome for those who take the program while they study in Europe, being numerically literate is just as important. Quantitative literacy is the measure of how well someone understands numbers while analyzing and evaluating information. In our Global Citizenship Program, you will learn how to use quantitative evidence in arguments.
Additionally, you will also learn how to communicate these arguments effectively, and through varying platforms. With keystone seminars in this program covering topics like poverty, slavery, technology, and social movements, the ability to support arguments with statistics-based evidence becomes even more important.
Want the opportunity to study abroad in Austria? Contact Webster University Vienna today for more information!