In the News - Chess, Armbruster, Smith, Belo, Hyman, Curtis, Cooper, Burton, Hall, Chaudhuri and Nursing
April 27, 2023
Chess Championship
The Webster-Kirkwood Times ran an article about Webster University’s win at the President’s Cup national collegiate chess championship.
Armbruster on Literacy, Libraries and Books
English Professor Karla Armbruster was interviewed live on KMOX about the College of Humanities and Social Science’s recent “Big Questions” series
on Book Banning. Questions discussed included what impact book banning has on communities,
the importance of libraries, and why access to literature is important. The interview
is featured on KMOX’s website.
Smith on the FOX/CNN Anchor Firings
School of Communications Instructor Julie Smith was interviewed on KMOX about the firings of cable news network personalities Tucker Carlson from FOX News
and Don Lemon from CNN. In the interview, she touched upon some of the basics about
media literacy and how it applies to these stories.
Belo on the Russian Arrest of an American Reporter
International Relations Professor Dani Belo was interviewed by about the international reaction to Russia’s arrest of a reporter for the Wall Street
Hyman on Research in the Arctic
Adjunct Biology Professor Randall Hyman photographed and wrote an article about a research team that studies oceanic creatures in the Arctic region.
Curtis on the Teaching Computer Science in a Quantum Age
Walker School Professor James Curtis wrote an opinion piece in CXOTech Magazine about the changing nature of teaching students computer science in an age when technology
continues to make quantum leaps in advancements.
Cooper on Warning Signs of Mental Illness
Adjunct Professor Jameca Woody Cooper was interviewed by KSDK about potential warning signs to watch for that indicate if a person could become
a danger to themselves or others. The interview was built around a case in St. Charles
County where an 81 year old man shot a security guard in a residential care home.
Graduate Nursing on the News
FOX 2 News ran a short story at the top of the 5 p.m. news show on April 25 announcing that Webster University’s Master’s in Nursing program was nationally ranked at 106 by U.S. News & World Report (clip not placed online).
Burton on the Gateway Jams Project
Game Design Professor Matthew Burton was profiled in Voyage STL Magazine. In the article, he spoke about the Gateway Jams project he runs through the School
of Communications, which teaches young children from under resourced neighborhoods
how to design video games.
Webster and Goldfarb Agreement on KSDK
KSDK ran a short story Friday morning about the recent agreement between Webster University and the Goldfarb School of Nursing. The program will allow students to earn a dual bachelor’s in biology and nursing simultaneously from both institutions. (No clip online).
Chaudhuri on Advice to International Students
Associate Vice President Samrat Ray Chaudhuri was featured in the online financial news organization Samachar, where he shared advice to international students about steps to take in order to study in the United States.
Hall on Classic Cars
Adjunct Political Science Professor Bill Hall was interviewed by KMOV about the annual classic car show on Easter Sunday in Forest Park. Hall owns several
classic cars that he often displays in the region.