In the News: Chess, Alumni, Nappa, Smith, Cooper, Davis and Silverblatt

Alumna Maria Ellis

KSDK ran a feature story on Leigh Gerdine College of Fine Arts graduate student Maria Ellis. Ellis conducted the St. Louis-based All Star Choir as it performed at Carnegie Hall in June. 

Susan Polgar Foundation Girl's Invitational

The staff and competitors at the 2023 Susan Polgar Foundation Girl's InvitationalThe Webster-Kirkwood Times ran a story about the Susan Polgar Foundation Girl’s Invitational Chess Tournament, which was held on Webster’s main campus in June. Chess Coach Liem Le was quoted. 

Chess Life Magazine also ran an article about the 20th annual Susan Polgar Foundation Girl’s Invitation Chess Tournament that was held on Webster’s main campus in June.

Carl Nappa

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch ran a story about the “Intersession” lectures that will accompany the annual “Music at the Intersection” festival in the Grand Center arts district in St. Louis. The article mentions that Webster University is a co-host of the lectures. School of Communications Professor Carl Nappa is quoted. Broadway World also ran a similar article

Jameca Woody Cooper

Jameca Woody CooperKSDK interviewed School of Education Adjunct Professor and St. Louis Counselor Jameca Woody Cooper about the sharp spike in crime committed by juveniles in St. Louis in the past year.

Cooper also was interviewed in a story that ran on several news stations. The story said that Webster University would host the annual Missouri Psychological Association conference this summer. 

Julie Smith

Julie SmithThe Challis Messenger (Idaho) ran the Associated Press interview with School of Communications Instructor Julie Smith about the need for media literacy in the K-12 system.

Dorian Davis

Dorian DavisSchool of Communications Professor Dorian Davis was quoted in an Alternet story about the opinions that some education and political experts hold about Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ campaign for President of the United States.

Art Silverblatt

The St. Louis Jewish Light ran a feature story on School of Communications Professor Emeritus Art Silverblatt.

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