Wood Named Director of Jazz Studies
June 12, 2023
Bennett Wood has been named director of Jazz Studies in the Webster University Department of Music, effective fall 2023. Wood was selected for this position after a nationwide search
led by a committee of faculty from Webster’s Leigh Gerdine College of Fine Arts.
Wood is a saxophonist, composer, and clinician. Prior to joining the faculty at Webster
University, Wood served as the interim director of Education and Community Engagement
at Jazz St. Louis. He previously held professional academic appointments at the University
of Memphis, Mineral Area College, Texas State University, Texas Lutheran University,
and Texas A&M University-Kingsville.
The newly appointed director is an experienced bandleader and an in-demand sideman.
In addition to leading his own groups performing original works at nationally recognized
venues, including Crosstown Arts, the Elephant Room, and Jazz St. Louis, Wood has
performed alongside nationally and internationally acclaimed musicians. He has performed
at festivals and venues across the country and remains active as a freelance musician,
regularly performing more than one-hundred dates per year.
Wood earned a Doctorate of Musical Arts from the University of Texas at Austin in
2014. He holds a Bachelor of Music and Master of Music from Southern Illinois University