ADA Accommodation Reminders, Resources, and Upcoming Training

ADA Accommodation Reminders, Resources, and Upcoming Training

With the new academic year upon us, faculty will have received copies of students’ letters of accommodations for Fall I and fall semester classes. Please check your Webster email for these notifications.

As faculty members receive the students’ letters, it's important to privately engage with students to invite them to reach out to discuss their accommodations.

Faculty are welcome to reach out to our Academic ADA Coordinator, Nellie Hopmann, at,, or 314-246-7700, for assistance.

Webster ADA resources

If you have any questions about what to do if a student discloses a disability, the ARC has created a chart for decision-making tips that can support students who may disclose but do not yet have accommodations in place.

Another available resource is a podcast that is geared toward supporting the needs of students with disabilities. The first podcast in the series is available here. Listen to hear more about what students with disabilities can do to be better self-advocates.

Stay tuned for another podcast focused on the accommodations process that discusses how students can set up accommodations and what faculty can do to support students in the process. Other episodes can be found on the Galaxy Radio Station on SoundCloud.

Training opportunities

Throughout the academic year, Hopmann will be hosting training and educational opportunities for faculty and staff related to supporting the needs of students with disabilities. The first of these trainings will take place on Oct. 30 and will focus on an overview of the accommodations process. The training will be geared toward new faculty members but is open to all who are interested in attending. More information is forthcoming.

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