Local Law Firm Donates $1000 to The WILLOW Project

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Local Law Firm Donates $1000 to The WILLOW Project

ST. LOUIS - Jim Onder, Sr., of OnderLaw in Webster Groves, donated $1,000 towards the student food pantry run by the non-profit organization The WILLOW (Women Initiate Legal Lifelines to Other Women) Project.

The WILLOW Project was founded by Webster University professor and practicing lawyer Anne Geraghty-Rathert to help provide legal services to underserved women. Two years ago, it also started a food pantry to help students.

“I heard about the Willow Project from one of our employees,” Onder said. “It’s a non-profit that provides important legal resources to an underserved population -- women whose voices are not normally heard due to poverty, exploitation, abuse, or other factors.”

Onder continued, “OnderLaw has been extremely fortunate to be part of the Webster Groves community. As part of my gratitude for the support we’ve been shown, we often give back to the community, and we do that in a variety of ways. When one of our team members came to me and asked if I’d support the Willow Project, I was happy to help.”

Onder said all the team members at his firm believe in giving back to the community and that philosophy is part of the firm’s character.  “We’ve created an environment that encourages compassion, empathy, and paying it forward to those who need help,” he said. “Even if I’m the one writing the check, it’s my team who holds me accountable and counts on me to do the right thing when it comes to being a good community partner.”

The law firm regularly donates to several organizations including Parents for Window Blind Safety, St. Louis Ovarian Cancer Awareness, Lupus Foundation of America Walk, and Toys for Tots.  

“It saddens me to think that people make excuses to not donate,” Onder said. “We all have a responsibility to help each other out, and no matter how much money we have or where we park our car at night, we should lift each other up.”

Onder added, “Although I’m humbled for being recognized for the Willow Project Donation, I do think the best acts of kindness are those that are done without expectation of an audience. Doing good because it’s the right thing to do has its own intrinsic rewards, and those are the kinds of things that motivate me to do the type of work I do, and also to help others when I can.”

To find out more about The Willow Project and read about its successes, visit  http://www.willowprojectstl.org/.

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