Webster Admissions Transfer Team Connects with Community Colleges at MCCA Conference

Last month, the Missouri Community College Association once again held its annual convention, but this year on a virtual platform. Webster University’s Office of Admission transfer team members Chrissy Gilbert and Kelsey Moser visited with community college colleagues across the state throughout the three-day conference, as Webster University served as both convention exhibitor and sponsor.  

The Webster booth was very busy with virtual traffic, as convention attendees stopped in to learn more about Webster’s programs and transfer policies and to play a round of Webster Bingo, 2020 edition. Gilbert and Moser also had some very productive discussions with advisors and program leads about new transfer pathways, and will work with Webster faculty in these areas to create strong transfer partnerships with the Missouri community colleges. 

The convention’s keynote speaker, Priya Parker, had a very timely and inspiring message about how we look at gatherings in this socially-distanced reality that 2020 has become; Parker is the author of the best-selling book The Art of Gathering. Those interested in learning more about her message, you can subscribe to her new podcast, Together Apart.

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