Applying Skills to the Real World: Webster students workshop on Mayan project

Students collaboratingOn Nov. 3, the International Cultural Diversity Organization (ICDO) team held an insightful and dynamic workshop on Human Rights and the Diversity of Indigenous Peoples with students at Webster Vienna Private University.

The workshop centered on how awareness can be raised through social media and other strategies for a scholarship project. This project will bring eight indigenous Mayan students from Mexico to Canada on a semester study abroad program.

Students learned more about ICDO and their work, internship opportunities for all interested WVPU students, the scholarship project.

"One of the biggest skills I get from Webster Vienna is critical thinking, which helped me a lot during today's workshop," said Maryem Ashany, an International Relations student. "One thing that I would like to highlight is that culture is a big thing and every day you get a chance to get to know more about other cultures. It is fun; you do learn a lot!"

They students also presented ideas on how awareness can be raised regarding this project.

‘’Learning about Media and Communications and how you can use social media to make a difference and empower people, not just through a political avenue, was something that I never really thought about much before ICDO's workshop," said Anja Jungmayr, an International Relations student.

The workshop aimed to encourage critical and analytical thinking. Students could use their IR, marketing, media, and business skills to find the various means to raise awareness and promote this scholarship project to the public. The workshop was led by Josipa Palac, ICDO’s President, Isidora Colic, ICDO’s Project and Media Communications Manager, and ICDO’s three interns: Gular, Andrea, and Milagros.

The workshop took place during Dr. Anthony Löwstedt’s MDST 2800 Media Diversity and Society class and presented an opportunity for Webster Vienna students to put their skills into practice. “I loved this project, as did my students, which is something that grabbed them from the start," Löwstedt said. "They are university students too, and this was a project that involved university students. It was a direct connection, and I saw it come out when they watched the project’s video."

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"It is always our pleasure to work with Webster Vienna Private University and encourage its brilliant students to put their critical thinking to practice,” said Josipa Palac, president of ICDO. “I was impressed to see so many changemakers in one classroom and hear the ideas they presented during the workshop. It is time for us to take action and start making conscious choices for our planet's preservation. We are looking forward to many more activities with Webster students in the future."

The workshop continued on the following Wednesday, where students managed to produce a video and text for the campaign, which aims to promote the ICDO Scholarship Initiative.

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