Kispert Receives 2023 Wilma Roswell Messing Jr. Faculty Award

Messing Recipient Shannon Kispert

The Office of the President and the Office of Academic Affairs are pleased to announce the recipient of the 2023 Wilma and Roswell Messing Jr. Faculty Award: Shannon Kispert, assistant professor of Biological Sciences. 

Since 1977, the Messing Faculty Award has been conferred upon full-time faculty members for internationally focused summer activities that will strengthen the curriculum and improve the teaching/learning experience. Faculty members are annually encouraged to submit proposals that advance the mission, vision, and values of Webster University. Proposals are peer-reviewed by a committee that determines which submission most closely fits the criteria.   

Kispert plans to study the Italian Renaissance by visiting numerous attractions in Italy such as the Capuchin Crypts, La Specola Natural History Museum, and Palazzo del Bo. 

The primary objective for Kispert’s on-ground visit to Italy is to create a newfound understanding of the history of anatomical dissection and anatomical art. The visit will help Kispert to incorporate art and art history in anatomy and physiology courses at Webster University. 

Following the trip to Italy, Kispert plans to bring together a short-term, faculty-led study abroad program, in consultation with the Office of Study Abroad and a general elective course in the Biological Sciences Department for all majors. 

A list of award winners in past years can be found here:

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