In the News - Shostak, Hall, Bocchese, Turner, Flewellen, Commencement, Students and Alumni

In the News

This regular column features links to the most significant stories about Webster University or stories that quote Webster faculty and staff members. 

Holly Connor on NBC National News

Hollly Connor at her piano

NBC News profiled Webster Leigh Gerdine College of Fine Arts student Holly Connor on its NBC Daily News program. The story ran several times throughout the day. 

Commencement Speaker

Erika Josephson-Heise

Commencement Speaker Erika Josephson-Heise was interviewed on KMOX radio about her career and her reaction to being selected as this year’s recipient of an honorary doctorate degree. 

Shostak on FOX 2

Grant Shostak interviewed on Fox 2 News

Professor Grant Shostak was interviewed live on FOX 2 news about Trump’s criminal trial and asked about what the public should be watching for as the trial comes to its conclusion. 

Hall Quotes in Newsweek

Bill Hall

Political Science Adjunct Professor Bill Hall was interviewed by Newsweek Magazine about recent polls that show the Republican Party may be losing the key demographic of voters over the age of 50.

Student Carson McDaniel

St. Louis Public Radio aired a story about how many of this year’s college graduates are participating in a graduation ceremony for the first time in their lives, since most high school graduation ceremonies were cancelled when they were seniors because of the pandemic. Webster University student Carson McDaniel was quoted. 

Professor Bocchese in Business Insider

Marco Bocchese, assistant professor of international relations at Webster Vienna Private University, was quoted by Business Insider about how many foreign fighters who volunteered to help defend Ukraine are now disillusioned by how long the conflict has lasted. 

Webster's Study Abroad Programs Highlighted

The blog Skarvenaset ran an article about some of the study abroad opportunities experienced by Webster students in the past year. 

Paaige Turner Named Provost of Aurora U

Former School of Communications Professor Paaige Turner was named the new provost of Aurora University. Turner’s connection to Webster University was mentioned.

Alumnus Michael James Scott Profiled in Out Magazine

Out Magazine ran a feature story on Sargent Conservatory alumnus Michael James Scott, who has played the genie in the Broadway version of Aladdin for the past decade. 

Alumna Naba Yasir's Artwork Profiled

The artwork of Webster alumna Naba Yasir was featured on KSDK

Vincent Flewellen in Spiked Magazine

Vincent Flewellen

Spiked Magazine said that Webster University Associate Vice President of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Vincent Flewellen  spoke at the Michael O.D. Brown Scholarship Dinner, held on Webster’s main campus on May 18.  

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