Around Webster: Armbruster on dogs, Vahldick audition guide, Cosic films

Recent professional news and achievements for Webster University community members include:

Armbruster's 'Dogs, Dirt, and Public Space'

Around Webster: Armbruster on dogs, Valhdick audition guide, Cosic films
Dog's Best Friend?

An essay by English Professor Karla Armbruster is being published by McGill-Queen’s University Press this fall as part of the collection "Dog’s Best Friend?: Rethinking Human-Canid Relations," edited by John Sorenson and Atsuko Matsuoka.

Armbruster's essay is  “Dogs, Dirt, and Public Space."

From the collection description:

"In almost 40 per cent of households in North America, dogs are kept as companion animals. Dogs may be man’s best friends, but what are humans to dogs? If these animals’ loyalty and unconditional love have won our hearts, why do we so often view closely related wild canids, such as foxes, wolves, and coyotes, as pests, predatory killers, and demons? Re-examining the complexity and contradictions of human attitudes towards these animals, Dog’s Best Friend? looks at how our relationships with canids have shaped and also been transformed by different political and economic context."

Vahldick Creates Online Audition Guide

All-State Band

Community Music School of Webster University faculty member Tyler Vahldick (low brass) has partnered with the Kansas City Symphony to create a website with video recordings that show students how local professionals prepare and execute the All-State Band audition études.

Through this site, Vahldick walks students through each required étude and every aspect of their technical, musical and mental preparation, while providing insight into what to expect on the day of the audition and in the weeks leading up to it.

"I’m truly thankful and humbled by my Kansas City Symphony, St. Louis and UMKC colleagues who took the time to practice and record for this project."

Read more at the Community Music School.

Cosic Films Screen at International Festivals

Story 3 Scenes 1-9
From Story 3: Scenes 1-9


Zlatko Ćosić has films screening at international festivals this month:

STORY 3: SCENES 1-9 and STORY 4: SCENES 1-9 will be exhibited at Video Vortex XII, Spazju Kreattiv, in Valletta, Malta, Sept. 13-Oct. 27.

EVEN THE BIRDS KNOW IT will be exhibited at Palestine Biennale /si:n/, organized by Les Instants Vidéo and AM Qattan Foundation, in Ramallah and Gaza, Palestine, Sept. 14-16.

Cosic is video artist, adjunct faculty member and alumnus of Webster's  School of Communications .

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