Students: Enter the Annual Juried Photography Show
December 15, 2020
Entries for the 2020-2021 Annual Juried Photography Show are now being accepted. All currently enrolled Webster students in all programs worldwide are eligible, as are students who were enrolled in any term in 2020. The exhibition will run in the May Gallery from Jan. 29-March 5, 2021, with a virtual reception for the photographers and awards presentation on Friday, Feb. 5, from 5-6 p.m. CST. The deadline for submissions is Thursday, Jan. 21, at 4:30 p.m.
Any work that involves a photographic process is welcomed, but the work should have beenproduced during the past year, and while a student at Webster. A maximum of three pieces per individual may be submitted. No fees are required. File names must follow the format lastname_title_2021.jpg. All work submitted must have student’s name, phone number, email, campus, and title of the piece (if any) included in the IPTC Metadata. (e.g., Photoshop > File Info, Lightroom Library module Metadata, etc.)
Be sure to “Save As” in Photoshop or “Export all Metadata” if exporting from Lightroom. It is strongly recommended that you close and reopen the file to verify that the information is there. Failure to include this information will disqualify the work from consideration by the jury.
Send image files in high quality JPEG or PNG format, approximately 4000 pixels on the longest dimension, to Remember, this is a juried show. Work exhibited and awards will be selected by an independent outside jury. There is no guarantee that every piece submitted will be exhibited; enter yourvery best work. The jurors will select work to be included in an online gallery, and from those selections will choose work to be printed and hung in the gallery. Prizes will be awarded for Best of Show and First, Second and Third Place. In addition, there is a cash purchase award for the Best of Show winner.
Submissions are due Jan. 21, at 4:30 p.m.
Contact the May Gallery at 314-246-7673 or